Connection Protocol: ==================== This manual contains: * Server Socket * Commands Accepted By The Server * Meaning Of The Server Responses ==================== Server Socket: All connections to the server will be from port "1515". So in order to connect to server you just need to know the IP and the port will be 1515. ==================== Commands Accepted By The Server: (connect #name) >>> name is the name of agent trying to connect (attack #src #dst) >>> order the country #src to attack #dst (end_turn) >>> end the turn of current player (decline) >>> agent resigned the game ==================== Meaning Of Server Responses: (conncted #p) >>> the agent was accepted by the server and it'll shown on the map by #p (map (#m)) >>> the server is sending the current map, #m, to agent. #m is formatted just as input map. (decide) >>> it's the agent turn (failed) >>> attack was not successful (unknown) >>> bad command, the server prompt will show you what was wrong (succ) >>> attack was successful (ok) >>> end_turn command accepted (loss) >>> the agent lost the game (bye) >>> end of the game The server will kill the agent that send a wrongly formatted command (or will be terminated if a game is not running) ==================== Regards Kourosh Meshgi ( Thanks to Mehrab Norouzi talab(